Our Litters


KellsenBerg Litters

Thank you for your interest in a KellsenBerg puppy! On this page you will find information about our Upcoming litter plans, past puppies, as well as everything you need to know about bringing a KelsenBerg puppy into your family!

Current Litter

Carter x Nora puppies were born 7/18/24!
5 girls and 2 boys
Co-bred with Costerra Kerry Blues

Planned Litters

None at this time!

Past Litters

Lisbon X Journey 2024

2/23/24 | 1 girl 1 boy

Lisbon X Paddy 2022

3/12/22 | 5 boys

Lollipop X Shady 2018

9/26/18 | 4 boys 3 girls


Keeva X Kril 2015

5/4/15 | 2 boys 3girls


Keeva X Bogey 2014

2/16/14 | 2 boys 4 girls

 Puppy Information

All KellsenBerg puppies stay with us until they are 12 weeks old. We follow Puppy Culture protocol and Avidog protocols for raising, and spend a lot of time socializing and teaching our puppies basic life skills. Below are some of the things you can expect from your KellsenBerg puppy.

  • Sleeping through the night in a crate

  • Traveling in a vehicle while crated, we take them on a minimum of two car trips per week for various lengths of time

  • Used to having nails dremeled every other day, as well as clipper desensitization

  • Socialized, they are exposed to a wide variety of different people of all ages

  • Confidence, our puppies are exposed to many new surfaces, sounds, objects, and places each week so they learn to take everything in stride.

  • Exposure to other animals

  • Puppies have spent time learning to walk on a leash and harness/collar

  • Puppies are started on potty training, using a litter box as a backup while transitioning to outdoors

  • Puppies are used to being in a pen with a potty area for a workday with 1 break in the middle of the day

  • Puppies have good dog to dog social skills from the extra time spent with their siblings and other household dogs

  • Puppies learn to 'trade' for high-value items to prevent resource guarding

  • And more!

We actively post to social media while raising our puppies, so it's easy to follow along with their progress. Early Neurological Stimulation (ENS) begins by 3 days old. At two weeks of age they are introduced to a litter box which aids in easier potty training later on. Starting at 4 weeks old they are introduced to their larger playpen. By 5 weeks crate training is starting and they are sleeping solo in a create by 8 weeks. We use the Volhard temperament test at 7 weeks, and do conformation evaluations at 8 weeks. By 10 weeks puppies new homes are chosen and they will begin to learn their new names (if you have one picked out). Those traveling via an airplane carry on then begin exposure to their carrier so they are easy to fly with. They leave here at 12 weeks. If you have any questions about our puppy raising process don't hesitate to ask!

Common Questions

  • Shipping - We do NOT ship puppies in cargo. For puppies traveling out of state, we require that either you fly your puppy with you as a carry-on, OR I will fly them to you personally as my own carry-on at your expense. You are also responsible for purchasing their carrier.

  • Spay/Neuter - All pet puppies are sold on a spay/neuter contract. We require all pet puppies to be altered by 2 years of age. It is our recommendation to wait until at least 11 months before altering. Certain parts of the health guarantee are void if altered early.

  • Registration - KellsenBerg Kerry Blue puppies are only available to pre-approved homes. Our pet puppies are sold on limited AKC registration with a contract all parties sign. All puppies sold as a co-ownership only. We sign off on pet puppies when proof of spay/neuter is received. All show prospects will be sold on full AKC registration, and remain co-owned until the terms of the contract are met or the dog is altered. We do not sell any dogs outright, so please do not ask.

  • Return Policy/Refunds - If ever you can no longer keep your puppy I REQUIRE you to return the puppy to me at any point in the dog’s life. If returned within 7 days of the sale a full refund will be provided. If outside of that time frame the purchase price would not be refunded.

  • Vaccinations - We follow the Dodds vaccine protocol and request our new homes follow it as well. Though we understand this will be location-dependent. We urge you to consider three-year boosters instead of yearly. We also support titer testing if available.

  • Price- Kerry blue terriers cost $3000 (subject to change overtime)

Would you like to be put on our waiting list for a puppy? 

Click the link & submit an application!